Monday, March 9, 2009


My life at the age of 25. It's pretty much up for whatever at this point since the next 4 years of my life are thus far undecided. It's actually kind of cool if you think about it. So. Me, age 25. Lets see here...

Option A:
Have a BFA in Musical Theatre. Living in NYC. Sharing a tiny but hot flat with Matt, Frankie, college buddy or all of the above. Pretty good-looking considering I'll be way more in shape after the rigorous exercise and dance programs. I'll also have to spend a lot of money on my wardrobe and taking care of myself (its a cut-throat business!) so yesss I'll have it together. I'll also be extremely busy and have the money to eat completely organically. I'll have a man who is a CEO of some sort, but will be playing him for a broke ex-drug addict cello player.

I'll probably look something like this--

Then again it IS new york city so I could end up looking something like this:
you never know.

Option B:
Have a BA in Writing, Literature and Producting with minor in Theatre Studies. Live in Los Angeles and be an extremely popular social columnist in the local paper, and having ideas for my own magazine in the works. However, I am also a nationally-acclaimed theatre critic and am frequently flown out to New York to attend theatre for free and write about theatre and shop for amazing clothes. I have a husband who is a wealthy freelance architect and a dog and we live on the beach but vacation in Spain. But we're not disgustingly rich or snobbish. We're pretty friendly. We don't want kids because they ruin lives. I live a pretty chill lifestyle and do what I want. It's a good time.

If I went to Emerson College in Boston I probably look something like this:
relaxed, vintage, etc.

If I went to Elon University in NC I look something like this:
southern fashion just might take over

Option C:
A freak incident occurs and I end up in a random field...dentistry. I work overtime, am miserable and need a lifetime supply of bandaids for the number of times kids bite my fingers. At 22 I got lonely and had a mis-hap, so I am a single mother of one unwanted but loved child named Phillip. We live in a suburban house and don't have much fun. Being in the medical and frusterating field, I take on the tendency to overeat and become large. Quite large. I take a strange liking to Christopher and Banks. I am doomed to spend the rest of my life alone. Until at the age of 28 I meet a man named Georgie, also large, and we do the Nutrislim diet together -- turns out it works after all! Being united in our slender success, we get married. So there's the silver lining. However:
You don't want to see my potential face of Option C.

Other than that though, my life seems headed for the right direction, yeah? It's good to have options.

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