Monday, March 30, 2009

Confessions of a fallen Catholic woman

Dear God,
I've lost a lot of shame this year. While my Saturday afternoons are always too busy for Reconciliation, I'd like to take this opportunity to confess some things to You in hopes of You agreeing to absolve me.
Here are some confessions:
-When someone is singing badly I can not hide a glare.
-Now being an ex-vegetarian, I like my daily dose of meat. Daily includes Fridays.
-I bought second-hand shoes. I have even pondered earrings (but didn't go that far). That was hard to admit.
-I take advantage of the fact that my brother is okay with getting to school late every day. I sleep til 6:45, take an extra minute or two to tweeze an eyebrow or fix a contact lens and wait until I'm just running out the door to get my books together.
-Sometimes I pretend I took the dog out when I actually didn't. (Buffalo winters are cold)
-I wear sweatpants every day, don't paint my nails, don't do my hair. Basically, I'm not in my prime.
-When people do things that annoy me, my glare is again , not well-hidden. I do not believe I am at fault for this, however, because You could have given me less expressive facial expressions.
-I don't usually do my homework right away. I do pointless things like this.
-I mess up my schedule a lot. And it takes some twisting of the truth to get out of conflicts.
-I like to eat dessert and use the F word a lot. Both are involuntary.
For all these sins, I am sorry. So Bless me, Father and I will do 2 Hail Mary's. And then my slate will finally be clean. A fresh start-- just what I need in the eyes of the Lord.
Thanks God, you're the best. I'll be in touch,
Brianna Maria.

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