Sunday, March 29, 2009

LIfe life life...

So I just wrote a whole long thing (a couple paragraphs long) about Emerson, how I'm so unbelievably excited to be going there, the people I've met so far from the school, how happy I am that it worked out that way, etc. But you know what? That's just the start of things in my life. The good news kind of kicked off a whole series of good event in my life, a string of happy things. I feel so great right now. And you know what? I kind of feel like just talking about the things that make me happy right now.

Well, here they are:
1)SUPER TROUPERS with Mandi and Katie. It's ridiculous and such a good time.

The originals:2)Being at Academy so much lately. I seriously love all my friends there SO much. We're having a blast hanging out a lot and it rocks.

3)Reccomendation: Buy Coraline as an audiobook on iTunes. If you've got $8.99 this is the way to spend it. Its whimsical descriptions which I normally skip right over are read to me and (best part) by a guy with a thick British accent. Perfect! It's so quirky I love it. It makes me smile every time I listen to it.

4)Yesterday, I looked through the clothes in the basement and found some of my mom's old clothes. Most of them were long skirts and dresses. But THEN I hit her maternity section. They are perfect! They have a great tent shape, are the perfect length to wear as a long shirt or a short dress, are oversized but the sleeves aren't too baggy. I love them so much. Most of them are fall pieces, but it's still winter in Buffalo so I can sneak in a few pieces.

5)Reviewing AP Stats. It makes me happy when I understand and am doing well in that class since for a long time I was so confused. It's just such a relief to go to that class.

6)Being a part of The Y. I can't wait to get back into my workout schedule. I'm going back on Wednesday :)

7)Gabriella Climi. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The Decemberists. Carla Cook. Beyonce. I dig their music for right now.

8)Feeling free. Knowing where I am going next year. Feeling relieved. Having as busy a schedule as always but feeling less stressed.

9)Going to Chestnut Park with Kate. Yeah, it was only once but still it was definitely worthwile.

10)Recent weather. Including the rain.

11)Being able to look forward to so much next year. Especially getting to explore. Emerson is this hub of creative energy and I feel like I will finally be able to be myself to the max, you know? No holding back.

12)Finding a great prom dress.

13)The fact that I'm growing my hair out.

14)The idea of my internship at artpark. (AKA Joseph part 2)

15)Having an iTunes gift card.

16)My grandpa's good health.

17)Tea. Especially Yogi tea which has little proverbs on the tag of the tea bag. (No I do not necessarily reccomend the "nursing moms" edition)

18)Not caring what the school thinks about me.

19)How much people believe in me. Especially Dina, Ersing, people at academey, people in Bel Canto/musical. People are so supportive, it helps and gives me more confidence.

20)Having a clean closet and a clean room. It's so underrated! It really does make you feel better!

That's all. I am having a good time. It's April and I've almost reached another milestone in my life. I have so much to look forward to and so much to be thankful for. I'm loving it.

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