Monday, June 8, 2009


Senior SKIP day. The word skip was in there giving it a bad connotation, causing my mom to believe it was illegal and it would therefore would mess up my permanent record for college and the rest of my life. At 9:30 I sent her this text message:
Hi mom. Would you like to bring a small little sense of joy to the next 5 miserable hours of my life? Tim Hortons before u go to work? PLEASE!! CONSIDER BEFORE SAYING NO ALL OF THE PEOPLE FROM THE CABIN ARE LEAVING AT 10 I AM LOSING IT!!

Luckily this prompted my mother to then proceed to call Colleen, inquiring about this "skip day." Not only did Colleen laugh at her but had to insist that it was ok, my mom didn't believe her at first. Yeah...she's nutty. But she ended up picking me up at 10:30 so it all worked out.

Lately these are people that I think are interesting:
Angela Lewis, Kevin Fitzrandolph, Brandon Carboni, Sam Dry, Mr. Mitton, Mrs. O, Ryan something, Rodney Montgomery, Joe Kreppel, Emily McCormick, Daniel Suarez, Damien Purcell, Ellyn Borowski, Matt Faulkner. Can't help it. It's not that the other people aren't interesting, it's just that for whatever reason these people stick out right now. I may be friends with them or I may not know them very well or I may not even talk to them, ever, but they're just interesting to me. I just want to hear about what they think about different things; they're ideas interest me I guess.

I went to Borders today, and was reading a magazine talking about optimism. That's when I realized I am not so optimistic lately. I really want to get back to positive thinking you know? They talked a little about how to go about doing that. One thing they said to do was to write about where you would see yourself in 10 years if all of your dreams came true and you were living your ideal life. And then write about how you're going to do it. Well, I want to do that with a little spin -- a more short-term ideal life, and how I'm going to do it. I want to write about what my ideal summer would be and how it's going to happen! And I'm not entirely sure what I want my summer to be, but there are some things I know I want to do for sure:

-develop a better sense of style before college --> I'll read up at Borders with magazines and I'll read trustworthy blogs and save my money so I can actually buy clothes!

-stay close with my high school friends --> make sure I text them regularly, don't get lazy. I feel like that's the key to staying in touch with people and maintaining friendships. Make an effort to hang out on weekends, call THEM, let them know you care and keep up to date on their lives. That will hopefully become habit and will last us through college too :)

-lose weight --> ask for a personal trainer from the Y. try to maintain a steady diet making healthy choices and eating just 3 meals a day. go to the gym more regularly.

-intern at artpark --> talk to Ersing tomorrow then offer to call if he doesn't have the time

-make new friends --> practice talking to new people. listen to them. be friendly, not so closed-off. get their contact info and invite them to coffee or something fun. change aquaintances into friends by making plans with them.

-come into myself more --> do things for myself this summer. Read literature. Start knitting. Both are so easy at the park job. Cook. Write. Sing classical, jazz music and art songs. Explore, maybe take a cool class somewhere in something eclectic. Do things other than theatre and learn something before college.

-meet a boy...? --> open up and be more natural. go ahead and talk to someone new. don't be so shy. it's not always enough to just stare from the other side of the room, that doesn't make anything happen. go for it, talk to him and maybe you'll get a number. also have confidence! you hot! a summer fling could be just what you need.

That's all I can really think of for now. But yeah apparently that will make me think more positively. Hopefully my little variation works the same way. I feel good right now, so...ok, cool. Reccomend!

[sorry didn't really feel like putting pictures in]

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