Monday, November 10, 2008

What better for an avid coffee-drinker to do at 12:11

I took a break from all this blogging, but hey you knew I'd be coming back to you! Can't leave my followers in the dust. No sir. I have gratitude.

...I had an amazing weekend!

First, Friday. Who knew what a simple "Hang out tonight?" text to a best friend Frank William would entail. 10 minutes later, he picked me up and we went with our friend Matt Z to Tuxedo Junction and Blockbuster. I was only going to hang out for about an hour with them since they had to be back to Elma at 7 for Matt's party, but then they ended up forcing me to go and we picked up Katie too, another best friend. I was kind of nervous because a ton of their friends would be there, and I didn't want to be awkward and uncomfortable (like usual?). And well, at first it was awkward. And uncomfortable. Extremely. But aren't all parties like that in the beginning? We ended up having an awesome time! Their friends are so so much fun. We danced around a tree pretending to be called by Satan, played a wild (and slightly raunchy!) game of hide and seek in the dark in the "forest" aka Frankie's huge lawn, played in the "sex room" haha, and watched part of Baby Mama. And we kind of wrestled a lot. You know, the norm, except with entirely different people. I think the weird little conversations I had with people were the best part of the night. Especially with Matt, Katie and Frankie: I love them to death! It was a really really

And then:


Well, I had a 6-hr rehearsal at Academy before it but I found a way to pull somewhat of a look together! I take that back, I looked hot! Just kidding :) But really, have you seen the pix?
My other best friend ( I have a few, ok?) Matt held a fabulous party in this punchy little shoe store on Elmwood called FireBrand. A limo of a ton of my greatest friends from WSW drove us down to the store. It had food, shoes, and, might I say, a very nice selection of music. The highlight: dancing! Oh man, I love to dance. I don't care if people are looking or not, it is so fun to move yo body! And they cleared out the front window so that we could DANCE in it! AH! Let me tell you something: once you got used to the public shaking of your junk, you did not want to get out of the window! Really, it was addicting. The other highlight: the group of people. It was the perfect mix of friends and new faces. Matt's other friends were really cool. Some didn't stay long enough for me to really meet them, but the ones that did were awesome! Like his friends from the Park School and his FireBrand family! They were down-to earth, fun to talk to and so unique -- like Emily who wears super vintage clothes and plays the ukelele ! They all seemed genuinely sweet. I was really glad that I went up to talk to them. Plus I got closer to some of the friends I already have. I love spending time with them -- it doesn't happen that often, when it really should since we don't have a lot of time left together. We all love each other for the most part, but keep in mind that we are theatre kids, and drama seems to follow us wherever we go! lol. Regardless, the party was GREAT. And I got a cool new pair of Ked's, sunglasses and earrings :)

I love meeting new people. Maybe that's why I had so much fun this weekend. Sometimes when you put in a little effort to reach out to someone, they could reject you and it might make you feel bad. But when it does work and you find a friend, there is this huge rush I get! I feel like life would be so boring if I was only content with knowing the few people I'm good friends with. There's a whole world of interesting people out there and I want to meet as many of them as I can! You never know, in your next encounter you could really be inspired, or you might learn something new, or maybe just laugh out loud. Whatever happens, well, happens. And you may not remember it in the long run, but sometimes it can be just what you need to kick up your day, making it a little more interesting than the one before.

I will give now another attempt at sleep. Thank you for the caffeine rush Soy Honey Latte, though you were delicious.

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