Friday, October 31, 2008

taking a break from the sick-at-home blues

I feel like there is a team of construction works knocking down a wall in my head. aghh. I've been home all day and you know what? I just can't lie down anymore!

Now for the REAL reason I'm posting:

This man, Christopher "Ludacris" Bridges is yet another one of my inspirations in this blog. He must not go unmentioned. Perhaps you've noticed my title "move ovaaa..." That is a variation on the song "Stand Up" featuring the lovely Shawna. It goes "Move over! Luda got somethin' to say, Do it now, 'cause tomorrow ain't promised today" It's a real booty-shaker. If unfamiliar, you should take a listen. Or perhaps you've noticed my url, "thapotion." That is actually the title of a Luda song, "The Potion" from the album "The Red Light District," which you should also check.

My man Ludacris has really motivated me to become the person I am today. His words really speak to me, and I feel they really represent my ideals in life. Maybe one day when I'm starring on Broadway I'll be important enough to meet him.

(One can only hope.)

Happy Halloween Luda!

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