Friday, October 31, 2008

taking a break from the sick-at-home blues

I feel like there is a team of construction works knocking down a wall in my head. aghh. I've been home all day and you know what? I just can't lie down anymore!

Now for the REAL reason I'm posting:

This man, Christopher "Ludacris" Bridges is yet another one of my inspirations in this blog. He must not go unmentioned. Perhaps you've noticed my title "move ovaaa..." That is a variation on the song "Stand Up" featuring the lovely Shawna. It goes "Move over! Luda got somethin' to say, Do it now, 'cause tomorrow ain't promised today" It's a real booty-shaker. If unfamiliar, you should take a listen. Or perhaps you've noticed my url, "thapotion." That is actually the title of a Luda song, "The Potion" from the album "The Red Light District," which you should also check.

My man Ludacris has really motivated me to become the person I am today. His words really speak to me, and I feel they really represent my ideals in life. Maybe one day when I'm starring on Broadway I'll be important enough to meet him.

(One can only hope.)

Happy Halloween Luda!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm liking this.

I know an awkward, lanky teen named Matthew. This teen told me I would like blogging, and helped inspire to make one. And let me tell you something-- damn skippy, that Matthew was right. This is hella fun! I haven't figured everything out yet, but hey. Life goes on. Like the rhythm. In my heart.

(ha.) aside from the darling matthew, I decided to make a blog because, well, there is just so much going on right now. And hell, I am STRESSED. I need to just vent sometimes you know? A girl can only complain to her friends for so long before feeling guilty. It's not that I want to complain to somebody (though, brace yourself, there will be some complaints comin at ya) it's just that I can't keep it all in my head, I need to do something with it. Hence.... this C:

Here's a little life lesson, kiddies:
Don't criticize them; they are just what we would be under similar circumstances.

I'm reading a book by the Mr. Dale Carnegie, "How to Win Friends & Influence People" and that quote was in the section about not criticizing other people. That happens to be a problem of mine, so I thought I'd share the quote. And remind myself not not not to do it anymore. But first. Vocal Jazz. Ok so there's this person in the ensemble. We shall call this person Sam. SAM concerns me. That is because Sam does not know how to read music. And doesn't know what the hell to do when we rehearse. This irritates me because um only the best singers are in vocal jazz. TO AVOID THIS PROBLEM. Sam kept making the same mistake over and over again, and then loudly giggling afterwards. I felt the urge to punch Sam in the back of the head because Sam is a dumb-ass.

However. As Mr. Carnegie points out, I, too, may be a dumb-ass under similar circumstances.

It's going to take a while for me to totally transform my life ok?

I have an audition tonight. And I'm not really prepared for it. But for some weird reason, that doesn't bother me. Am I turning into an existentialist? No, really am I showing the signs?

I guess I'll go do my college essay now.
By the way I may sound diva-ish at times, but I'm not.

blogger = my new source of procrastination?

That will not get me down!
I have vocal jazz in 20 min. And it takes about 10 min to get there. Except I'm not a very good parking skills are not exactly "up to snuff," if you will. I should probably be leaving now actually. As opposed to rushing and having to make some lame excuse. Why does there always have to be an excuse?

(yes, I ended it on a deep note, didn't I?)


Hello fellow bloggers. This spunky chick's finally on the net. You know, movin with the times. Gotta get tech-savvy, college is just around the river bend. 2009 baby. Gotta go. I'm in school. Check it later.