Monday, September 7, 2009



I'm in Boston.
Not visiting.

And it's all so fresh, and finally I'm getting inspired again. To be different and experiment and explore.
For a while I was feeling really stale in Buffalo. Definitely in a rut, didn't really care about a lot of things.

Here is different. Here is exciting. Here is the opportune moment. Here is the final frontier....just kidding.

But really. It's unreal. Basically I feel like I'm in a movie. People from all over the place in the world. Different cities, different sides of the country, different countries completely. Different people I've met:

Part of my orientation group. Broadcasting major. From Pittsburgh. His roommate has an accordion. When his roommate leaves the room he walks around Boston and plays it. He doesn't know anything about how to play it really. But he had a riff that was his "jam." So we had a tune to step to in our ventures through Boston today. If anyone starts pulling out their wallets though, he runs away. That's not an understatement, he literally books it. The twist: he's completely serious about it. As quirky as it is it's not a joke. He plays because to get a smile or a laugh, even if someone is laughing at him. His philosophy is even if its just that someone who has a shitty life feels better because they're not a weird guy playing accordion in the commons, his work is done. He would literally walk through street performers with his accordion...push his way through. He would walk along, accordion around the neck, him happily playing. In fact SO happily that he couldn't stop. If you have a conversation with him, the accordion is a part of it. I might as well talk directly to the fucking instrument. We'd all be talking and the Orientation Leader (OL) would be trying to tell us something and they'd tap the accordion (like petting a dog on the head) and be like "Brendan...enough." He would play one more chord and then halt all further music until the ending of the conversation where he would resume contentedly. He also plays the synthesizer in a band back in da burgh. It's a one man band, and they have a couple of cd's.

More later